Home and building
On this page you will find more about the facillities in your home and in your building. Beneath ‘Home’ you will also find user manuals and other manuals of the installations within your home.
In the users manual you wll find all information about your home. You will find for example information about the electronics, ventilation and heating. You can easily find the information per subject by going to the corresponding letter.
Users manual in different languages:
تعليمات الاستخدام (Arabisch)
- መምርሒ ተጠቀምቲ (Tigrinya)
Manuales for the installations in your home:
- Extractor hood – productsheet
- Bathroom – cleaning and maintenance
- Boiler and multiple switch – manual
- Mailboxes – maintenance instructions
- Groups declaration meter cabinet – one-bedroom apartment
- Groups declaration meter cabinet studio apartment – manual
- Group declaration meter cabinet – two-bedroom apartment – manual
- Towel radiator – Setting temprature and time
- Thermostat – manual
- Vloerbewakers maintenance advice PVC-vinyl flooring
- Supplying Heating recovery Inventum
- Heat pump – manual
Video: installations in your home
Is something broken in your home?
Then you report this to your housing corporation. Here you can make a reparation request:
- Portaal: Reparation request- Portaal
- Woonwaarts: Reparation request – Woonwaarts
- Talis: Reparation request- Talis
- SSH&: Reparation request – SSH& (sshn.nl)
The buildings
The area of NDW21 has seven buildings. not all buildings have the same facillities.
Washing machines and dryers
Are you a tennant in Paso Doble, Jive or Samba? Than you have on the ground floor a washing room with a washing machine and a dryer. All tennant of these buildings can make use of these. Payment occures per load (incl. detergent) through card payment (debet) by the washing machines. Or the payment will appear in your monthly service costs. This differs per housing corporation.
Are you a tennant of Urban (SSH&)? You can aslo make use of the washing machines and dryers in your buidling. you can find these in every hallway. You pay a montly fee in your service costs for usage.
Meeting space in Paso Doble, Jive and Samba
You can meet your neighbours of the same building here. Or organise a fun activity with them, like a movie night or a beer tasting. The spaces are located on the ground floor nect to the washing rooms. Only as resident of these builidings themselves you can make use of these spaces.
Advancement opportunities to other apartments
Maybe after a while you would like to advane to a bigger apartment, or a smaller one, or just another building.
As resident of NDW21 you get priority on available apartments on NDW21! You still have to react on the apartment through Entree. Keep an eye out on Entree if you want to switch apartments in the area.
there are ofcourse some things to take in account:
- for the new apartment you still have to comply with the income requirements alligned with the rental price.
- The apartmets (within the social housing) will always be granted through lottery.
- Even with advancement there will be an intake conversation.
- Tennants of SSH& have to be finished with their studies (they can only advance when their campuscontract ends).
We think advancement within the neigbourhood is important, because we can keep the same residents for longer within the area, creating more opportunities for a cohesive neighbourhood.