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The board

More information on the current Chairman of the board will follow soon.

My name is Collin Nicolai and I am the current secretary of the residents association. Next to taking minutes of the boardmeetings, i am responsible of all the incoming and outgoing communications. I also help and organise where needed, like with the past christmas activity.

Me myself am living with much joy in Tango and i see this neighbourhood grow everyday with connectivity. Do you have an idea or initative? You can allways get in touch with me.

My name is Jesse Renkens (26) an i live in the Tango building. Within the residents assocciation I fullfill the treasurer’s role, which means my main task is the financial administration. Next to that i budgetize our budget and prepare the annual financial report.
Through the residents association I try to contribute to this beautifull neigbourhood. If you have fun ideas and are interested in how the association can contribute to it, or you just want to have a talk, the just speak to me!

As general bordmember I like to contribute to a cozy and accesible living area. My goals is to get to know as much residents as possible en keep in touch with them. Recently I helped organize an iftar and am I  involved with the intiative for a meet- and playspace for all ages, which stimulates meeting and moving. I’m always open to ideas and questions of residents.

My name is Tanja and I enjoy living in Tango. In addition to my work as a spiritual caregiver in elderly care, I have my own practice for body-oriented therapy.

Meaning and connection are two themes that are close to my heart, and as a general board member of the residents’ association, I want to commit myself to that! I can regularly be found at HEEM and enjoy having a chat. Feel free to contact me and if I can support you in any way, I will be happy to do so!

Here will be more informaton about our general boardmember.

Do you want to know more?

Do you have a question about the residents association? Take a look at the FAQ or get in touch.