Dyslexie font

Studio apartments

Interested in a studio apartments?

On this page you will learn more about the studio apartments provided by the regular housing corporations. These are meant for candidates age 23 or younger.

The studio apartments all have a surface of about 20m²
This contains one space for both living and sleeping, including kitchen. Next to that the studio apartments have a separate bathroom. The rental price of a studio apartment is (2024) €430,47 (excluding service costs).

Plattegrond van studio van 20 vierkante meter. Oppervlakte van woon-/slaapkamer+ keuken is 16,68 vierkante meter. Links bovenin zit (aan de linkermuur) een keukenblok. Tegenover de keuken zit (in aparte ruimtes) techniekruimte en een badkamer met toilet.

Want to know more?

Do you have a question about the studio apartments on NDW21. Take a look at the FAQ or get in touch.