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About NDW21

NDW21 (Nieuwe Dukenburgseweg 21) is the new neighbourhood of Nijmegen where you can live, work and meet. A neighbourhood where everyone is welcome and people look out for each other. The almost 500 apartments will be re-used after 20 years. Very sustainable.

Commit to the NDW21-community

On NDW21 there are many different residents: starters, students and also new people to the Netherlands, who have received their status. Most people can live independently, but some need some extra help.

Within the NDW21-community the input of different residents is very important. Everyone posseses different qualities and talents. You could be the next languagebuddy, provide financial guidance, have green thumbc, know how to cook or play music. By putting these talents together we will build the NDW21-community with everyone.

We like to interact with each other in a positive way
Living together in a neigbourhood goes hand in hand with understanding, having patience and respect for each other’s differences. So be open to each other, listen to each other and help each other when neccesary.

Together we can aid in a friendly and safe neighbourhood
Greet each other and have a little conversation. That way everyone feels welcome and we can make it a cozy neighbourhood. NDW21 an only be made with each other.

Neighbourhood connector Mirjam Verheem and Community Builder Maarten Bevers

The tenant interests association of the corporations

Every housing corporation has it’s own tenant interests association. Apart form the NDW21-residenst association you can sign up  gor these tenant interests associations. These associations are commited to the tenants of the corporations in general. These will not be for the specific situation on NDW21. They are the discussion partner of the directors of the corporations about policy questions, like rental policies, housing allocation policy, environment policy or business plans. You can find more about the tenant interests associationas on the websites of the housing corporations.

Living in an area in development

NDW21 is part of the development area  Winkelsteeg. Winkelsteeg is currently a bussines and industry area, in which some companies are neighbours of NDW21. This means that companies and residents must take each other into account.

In the period in which the apartments of NDW21 are around, there will be several (building)developments in the area around NDW21. Winkelsteeg changes gradually into a lively area in which living, working and recreating will come together. This also means that you may experience nuisance coming from the building- and development activities.

Interested on the further development of the area? Take a look on: https://omgevingswet.overheid.nl/regels-op-de-kaart/

Een luchtfoto van het gebied Winkelsteeg in Nijmegen