General Members Meeting
the first General Members Meeting of the residents’ association will take place on Wednesday, March 26, 2025. This will take place from 7:00 PM in the Boekweit (boekweitweg 4, Nijmegen). During the Meeting, the 2024 annual report, the 2025 budget and the nomination of new board members will be discussed. In addition, time will also be scheduled for a brainstorming session with a view on activities and initiatives.
Candidate for next board
Do you want to run for the next board of the residents’ association? Then this is your chance. Express your interest by sending a message to with a short proposal message and motivation which will be sent to all members 2 weeks in advance. At the meeting itself, there will be a vote on who will join. The roles will be divided among the board.
The board consists of an odd number of board members (3,5,7) and an attempt will be made to obtain the best possible representation of all buildings. For more information, please contact us by email, or take a look at the section about the residents’ association on the website:
Suggesting agenda items
It is possible to suggest agenda items for the meeting. To do so, send an email to at least 2 weeks before the meeting. If the item fits within what the residents’ association is responsible for, it will be included in the agenda.
By pressing the buttons next to it you will get to the required documents. These will be adjusted and added for the final agenda. If there are any language and spelling errors, please report them in advance, they will not be discussed at the meeting itself.